It's time to be not just visible - but invincible

It's time to be bold, be brave and become the woman you deserve to be!

Welcome to Your Midlife Metamorphosis!

It's time for You to get MORE!

MORE! choices

MORE! time

MORE! freedom


Kate Porter

The Midlife Metamorphosis Coach®

Founder, Second Spring Life Coaching®

Hi, I'm Kate Porter -

The Midlife Metamorphosis Coach®

My superpower is helping wonderful women over 45 take back your POWER to boldly say "YES" to living and loving your Second Spring YOUR way. And that's what Second Spring Life Coaching® is all about.

As The Midlife Metamorphosis Coach®, I help you transform from stagnating in the Midlife swamp feeling confused, insignificant and invisible, to feeling not just visible - but invincible.

The result? When you feel fabulous, fired-up and focused, every aspect of your life improves too. From your relationship with loved ones, to how you feel about - and show up in - in your business.

No more playing it small in the shadows. By working with me, you will at last be free to love yourself in your gloriously perfect imperfection. And I will guide, support and cheerlead you at every step of your Midlife Metamorphosis journey.

I do this through boutique 1-2-1 coaching and MORE! my signature all-in-one 6-week coaching program that combines 1-2-1 coaching, Group coaching and Self-Study to get you MORE! choices, MORE! time, MORE! freedom - MORE! you.

As founder of Second Spring Life Coaching, my passion is helping extraordinary Gen X women turn their dreams into reality.

Are you tired of languishing in the Midlife Swamp feeling stagnant and stuck?

I know what that feels like.

Have you lost sight of who you really are at this pivotal time of your life? And what you actually want now?

I know what that feels like - to look in the mirror and see a stranger staring back at you.

You've followed life's signposts, you've done what was expected of you - and put yourself on the back burner in the process. But now everything is changing. Now feel like you have lost your way. You've lost control. You've lost your POWER.

I know what that feels like.

The result? You're now feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled thinking "There must be MORE! than this...."

Well I'm here to help you get MORE!

My bespoke VIP 1-2-1 coaching and all-in-one signature coaching program MORE! will unleash the woman you DESERVE to be so that you feel fabulous, focused and fired-up to start living and loving your Second Spring on your terms. In a way that aligns with your values - by unleashing the unapologetically authentic YOU.

This is all about YOU, and you can choose to work with me either bespoke VIP 1-2-1, or by joining my sigature program MORE! for a combination of 1-2-1 and Group Coaching. Doors are now open for MORE! September cohort.

I have navigated the Midlife Maze - and I know that breadcrumbs don't work. So I will give you the golden thread to help you escape that feeling of stagnating in limbo.

I will help you take back your POWER. Take back CONTROL of your life.

We'll ignite your Midlife Mojo - and supercharge your self-love.

My Midlife coaching uniquely combines insights and lessons from my own Midlife rebirth with my expertly honed Midlife coaching strategies and techniques supported by my accredited Master certifications in NLP, Transformation, Mindset, Mindfulness and Self-Care Coaching.

I call my approach to midlife coaching The Midlife Metamorphosis Method® and at its foundation is The Metamorphosis Mindset®. So what do thes fancy name actually mean?

What's it like to work with me?

You can book a FREE 1-2-1 session with me to get a taste, but as a heads up...

You would hate working with me if you don’t like leopard print.

And if the word “fabulous” isn’t in your vocabulary, I'm, not the midlife coach for you.

I’m rather partial to The Nolans too, and I’m always first on the dance floor.

Vanilla coaching is not my style.

But if you’re craving some pistachio positivity in your life – then we need to talk.

I will passionately share my expertise to guide, support and cheerlead you to turn the stranger in the mirror into your best friend.

Your Midlife Metamorphosis is just a click away.

It's time for you to get MORE!

You want MORE!

Now you can have it!

This is your time to get MORE!

MORE! is my all-in-one coaching program nurturing Gen X women like you who are in limbo feeling stagnant and invisible through your Midlife Metamorphosis to fall in love with your newly emerging dynamic and unapologetically authentic self.

To get MORE! you need to do less of what isn’t serving YOU!

In just SIX WEEKS I will help you get:

  • MORE! choices – by silencing your inner critic so you can
    listen to what the TRUE you wants

  • MORE! time – by stopping procrastinating and people-pleasing behaviour and smashing limiting beliefs so you can take back your POWER to live your Second Spring on YOUR terms

  • MORE! freedom – by rebelling against fear of failure and
    judgement and learning to forgive yourself so you can fall in love with the perfectly imperfect YOU.

You'll have a tailored-to-you 1-2-1 coaching session, fortnightly Group Coaching sessions, weekly Self-Study modules and join the an exclusive online Community - where I'll hold weekly Q&As.

Have you lost sight of who you really are, and feel frustrated, overwhelmed and daunted by this pivotal stage in your life?

Do you yearn to love yourself, unleash the NEW you – and start living life on your terms?

Then this is where the magic starts!

I also offer bespoke VIP 1-2-1 coaching, and would be delighted to arrange a chat to discuss how I can create a boutique coaching package that is perfect for you - because it's all about YOU!

You are ready for MORE!

Click below to book your FREE 1-2-1, when I can also discuss my bespoke VIP 1-2-1 coaching options.

Your Second Spring is Your Time to

have MORE! - on YOUR Terms

Are you daunted by the years stretching ahead of you? Do you fear growing old, feeling unfulfilled?

You don't have to feel that way!

I don't want to be sitting in my rocking chair in 50 years time wishing I had done MORE!

Do you?

I'm 55 and I'm just getting started. And I'm inviting you to join me to smash sterotypes, defy the rules - and blow that glass ceiling away.

I will nurture you to reinvent and fall in love with yourself so that you can regain your inner power and embrace this exciting new chapter of your life with purpose and passion.

Your future is waiting for you to shape it! Get MORE! now.

MORE! you - the Unapologetically Authentic YOU

You've spent years putting everyone else first and following life's signposts.

But now what?

You're changing, and it's time for you to create new signposts and choose your new path leading to the fabulous life you want NOW.

A life that aligns with your values, wants and needs.

And MORE! will help you reach that destination

- in just 6 weeks.

Say "Yes" to a life of MORE!

It's time to take back your power, and say "Yes" to what you really want to do - and "No" to things you don't.

And MORE! will help you achieve just that.

Your Second Spring means you no longer need to please anyone but you. It's time to put yourself first.

It's time to be bold, be fearless - and flourish.

It's time to find your place in the world - and own it!

It's time for you to have MORE!

I would also be delighted to discuss my bespoke VIP 1-2-1 coaching options with you, if this better suits you. This is all about YOU!


Real Women - Real Results

"I was feeling totally adrift, so much was changing in my life and I felt that I had no control.

"Kate has empowered me to get to the heart of who I really am and who I want to be. I feel confident, focused and really excited for the future. I've got this!"

Felicity, 53

"I was living my life vicariously through my kids! And now they have left home, I'd forgotten how to be me! Who was this woman staring back at me from the mirror?

"Thanks to Kate, I've realised that I can do things that I'd put on the back burner - and not feel guilty that I should be doing something else! I am now doing things for me as the new me - and I love it!"

Lucy, 52


What is the difference between Life Coaching and Therapy?

Therapy focuses on looking backwards, while Life Coaching is future-focused - starting with you accepting who you are today your imperfectly perfect self. Whatever has happened in your life up until today, you have the power to choose how to live your life from now on. The only time our sessions will involve your past is to empower you by rewriting your life story, the story you tell yourself, and the limiting beliefs you have created that govern how you have lived your life up until now. And I will guide you to find your silver linings that will help shape your fabulous future self.

How can I find out more about your VIP 1:1 Coaching and all-in-one coaching program MORE!?

You are uniquely you - and Second Spring Life Coaching® reflects this. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, my midlife coaching is bespoke. My programs are tailored made to reflect your individual desires - and get the results you dream of. This is YOUR Midlife Metamorphosis – and it’s going to be fabulous!

We are partners in your growth – I will guide, support and cheerlead you as you thrive and flourish. I don’t blind and bamboozle you with buzz works or gimmicks. I am unapologetically authentic, and have been where you are now! I know how you are feeling. And I know how to nurture you to change – I know this will work for you, and my clients’ results echo this. You yearn for results – and here’s where they can start.

Your first step is booking a complimentary 40-minute call with me, so we can start getting to know each other. I look forward to talking to you.

How can I find out more about your VIP 1:1 Coaching and all-in-one coaching program MORE!?

Let's start getting to know each other during a complimentary 40-minute session with me - simply select a time that suits you from the calendar. I look forward to talking to you. - your midlife metamorphosis awaits!

"Hi, I'm Kate Porter - The Midlife Metamorphosis Coach®"

Are You Ready to Start Living Your New Chapter - Your Way?

MORE! unleashes your vibrant wisdom learned from life experience, and your innate confidence, courage and creativity so that you can at last become the woman you deserve to be!

The fabulous result?

You will be free to celebrate who you are in your gloriously perfect imperfection, by changing the conversations you have with yourself, and being released from the shackles of what other people think of you or tell you how you should be.

Your Second Spring is your time to shine.

It's your time to be not just visible but feel invincible.

Let's make your second chapter count.

Let me help you get MORE!

© Kate Porter 2024